Tuesday, April 26, 2011

V is for ... Voracious

Voracious: having a huge appetite; excessively eager (thanks to Merriam-Webster online dictionary).

I've often referred to myself as a voracious reader. I've been known to be reading 3 or 4 books at a time. That was before I became an editor. Now, I'm lucky to read one book. I used to plow through a book, no matter how bad the writing or if I'd already figured out the plot half way through. I felt a sort of loyalty to the author to finish reading.

Unfortunately, I do not feel that way anymore.

I get many of my books from the library now. I try to read in multiple genres, and I oftentimes will read debut authors. I don't have the same loyalty to the author now, though. If I'm not entirely captivated by the story by chapter 3, I'm done with it. I sort of feel bad that I've become this type of reader. But I just don't have the time for bad writing.

How about you? Do you continue to read even if the writing is poor or if you've figured the whole thing out?


  1. I'm just like you - I used to finish every book I started, but now not so much. There's not enough time to finish a book that doesn't interest me. I'm not as voracious as I used to be.

    Some authors I will still finish the whole book, just cuz. I love Chris Bojahlian's lyrical writing, but found myself skipping entire sections of Secrets of Eden, because it was a more plot driven novel, and I wanted to see if I'd figured it out. I "finished" it, but couldn't say I read the whole thing.

  2. I'm a slow reader, one book at a time, but I've always got something by my bedside. And...though I hate to do it, I am slowly turning into a reader such as yourself. If a story hasn't got me hooked in the first few chapters or I don't like the style of writing, I put it down.

  3. If the writing is poor and predictable no. I don't have that kind of time anymore plus there are so many great books out there that I'll probably never get to, why waste time on a bad one?

  4. If the writing is poor, or the story bores me, then no. I won't go by if I've figured out the plot, though. There have been several times I've been taken by surprise - and not an ex deus machina either.

  5. I'm with you--I'm an incredibly voracious reader but I've gotten to the point where, if I'm not enjoying the book, I won't finish it. Okay, sometimes I do skim it or read the end to find out what happens just because it brings closure for me. It all depends. But I want to be entertained, to be sucked into the story.

  6. Wow all! I'm amazed that I'm not the only one who feels this way. I wonder what that means - are there a lot of books being published that are bad?


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