Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Want an advanced copy of Cracking the Code: Spreading Rumors?

Hey all...I'm looking for some readers who would like to read and review my upcoming middle grade book, Cracking the Code: Spreading Rumors. I will be happy to send off a pdf in exchange for a review on Amazon and Goodreads.

Here's the back cover:

Please leave a comment if you're interested!


  1. Major freaking EEK!!!! I love this. We have to do an MG spotlight the book on Writer's Alley. And 'Heck, yeah!' send me a copy. I'm in!

  2. Awesome, Sheri, on both!! I will send you a pdf right now. I have to figure out what to do to get on your Writer's Alley...I'll figure it out! Thanks so much!!

  3. Oh I'd love to do a review for you!

    1. KmcKendry! I'll send you a pdf. Thanks so much. :)


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