Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm over here today!

Holy smokes....I almost forgot that I'm over at Chris Eboch's blog today talking about writing and Saving Redwind. Guess getting up at 4am has its disadvantages! Please come visit me (of course after you've checked out the blog post below about Pete Morin's new book!) so I won't be too lonely!


  1. I just popped your blog up and my 8yo was looking over my shoulder. "Hey!" he says. "That's Redwind! We read that!" And then I showed him your profile pix and told him that was the author. He said, "Why do girls always write about boys?" #darndestquestions :)

  2. Sue~ That's hilarious!!! He must've thought I was a boy, maybe? That could be a good thing... : ) Thanks for sharing!

  3. So glad your book touring is going well. :)


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