Thursday, April 7, 2011

F is for ... Fun

When I originally thought up my A to Z list topics, I imagined that I would be talking about how each character needs to have some sort of fun within the story line. But as the days have gone on and after visiting many blogs, I realized that wasn't really my topic for today.

F is for fun for the writer. If you aren't having fun while you're writing, will your reader?

Now, fun means many things to each of us. I guess my idea of having fun while I write can be any one of the following:
  • enjoying the storyline
  • enjoying the characters
  • not getting an enormous headache after a bout of writing
  • still enjoying the story/characters after I've written 20k words
  • still wanting to write more after I've reached 20k words
  • looking forward to my writing time
  • the fact that the words flow out each time I write
That last one - flowing words - really is my way of knowing how much fun I'm having with a particular project. If the words flow out steadily, I'm completely committed and know I will finish. If the words come out in chunks, well...let's hope it's not a story that an editor has requested a full!

How do you have fun with your writing? What triggers let you know that the fun has stopped?


  1. Hmm...I think my favorite part is developing the characters and then putting them in the action. That's way fun for me! When they hit a roadblock and I can't seem to make them move...yeah, the fun has stopped momentarily.

  2. LOL, looks like we both decided to have "fun with F". Great post though.

  3. I get such a kick out of my characters, and they constantly surprise me with things they say and do. It's fun for me, which is good, since it keeps me motivated to write their story. :)

  4. SA~ Yup, sounds like me with my writing.

    Eric~ Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Donna~ I think characters that make us writers feel that way are the best. I agree that it's the characters who motivate me as well.

  6. Thanks for reminding us why we write -- really!

  7. If I get overly frustrated, then I know I need a break. When I can't stop thinking about a project, then it's totally fun, LOL! Nice post!

  8. Gosh, I'm not a writer so developing characters isn't really necessary for me. My blog is more about telling people about life in general and aren't we all characters? I know, I certainly crack myself up, and view other things in a humorous light. I figure, if I'm not having fun...then why would anyone else?

    That's just my outlook on life in general, and then that's when it hit me...

    I've told stories my whole life. They've just been based on reality. My girlfriends in highschool said "We love listening to Sandi's stories," because something always happened to me or I had something funny I witnessed. Then we'd stretch the story into fiction...what if this happened next...WAIT what if THIS happened...anything to keep it interesting even better if we laugh!


  9. I agree! Writing needs to be fun to be fulfilling!

  10. I know I'm having fun with my writing when I look forward to sitting down with my characters at the computer to see what unfolds. When dread of approaching them settles in, then I know I need to mix things up a bit to make it fun.

  11. Melissa ~ No problem. ☺

    lbdiamond ~ I love it when I can't stop thinking about a project. That means I'm having a ton of fun!

    Sandi~ You don't have to be a writer to have fun with the "characters" in your life. So glad you stopped by!

    Jo ~ I think that when writers have fun with their craft, it shines through to the reader.

    Susan ~ Yep, completely agree!

    Deirdra ~ Thank you for the award!

  12. I think good characters make all the difference for me. They have to be people I want to write about. And when they're really good, I can't get enough of writing for them.

  13. Fun for me is being in Flow... the fun is over when the flow stops-- or I get cranky and hungry :)

  14. Hi, Kris! I wanted to stop by your blog and see what your "F" was, and I wasn't disappointed. If the writer doesn't have fun while writing, will the reader have fun reading? I completely agree that the answer is no. Writing, while not always "fun," gives me satisfaction, which leads to fun. I hope I never lose that magical feeling.

  15. Great post! There are a lot of things I find fun about writing, but I'll just mention one. It's fun to have a plot or story problem that is hard to solve...and then find a solution.

  16. Developing the characters is the fun part for me. I begin with the characters, and my story unfolds around them.


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