Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Q is for ... Quandary

I'm in a quandary today because I'm not exactly sure what to write for Q. It could be because of these two:
Should I play or should I write? Jack, the older dog, isn't too sure about Hank, the new puppy. Hopefully he'll get used to Hank soon.

I'm also in a Quandary because this isn't working:

Now my cold is pretty much full blown and I feel like I need to sleep 10 hours a day, plus my regular nighttime sleeping. Should I sleep or should I write?

And, it's Spring Break in my house, but we aren't here, so...

Should I hop a plane to a sunny local or should I write?
I think if that were my real quandary, there'd be no question which one I'd pick....write at the sunny local of course!

What's your quandary today?


  1. Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I've returned the compliment and I think you picked the perfect Q word! Great post!

  2. Sorry to hear you have a cold. If you hopped on a plane to that locale, the sun could bake it out of you but you'd still have a quandry. Would you write or play in the surf? :)

  3. Melissa~ Thanks for stopping by!

    Karen~ I do love quandary as well. I think you should take the day off. : )

    Laura~ I think I'd do both!

  4. Hello Kris. I have the answer to your quandary - hop on a plane for the beaches of Queensland. Ha ha. Thanks for visiting.

    Hope your cold is getting better.


    L'Aussie Travel A-Z Challenge

  5. L'Aussie~ I wish I could do just that!! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. My quandary is the same today, as everyday. More to do then time to do it all. Where to begin and if I run out of time, what to let go of? I wish I didn't need sleep, I could accomplish so much more.
    I hope you're feeling better today.
    Beautiful dogs!

  7. Heather, I live like that everyday! I'm glad to be busy, but would love to have some downtime too.

  8. Recently my quandary is always "do stuff with the kids or do useful stuff"... I almost always pick stuff with the kids though, because they are only going to be this little once, right?

  9. Cindy~ As a mother of a recently turned 12-yr-old, I say do stuff with the kids. I can't believe how time has gone by so quickly!


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